Shana Weaver is a professional swing dancer and instructor in New York City. She has been swing dancing with a rich background in Hip Hop. Shana grew up in California where she studied Jazz music at Cal State LA. She holds a Bachelor of Music: Jazz Studies degree. Shana moved to New York in 2013 to pursue her dreams in the arts. You can find Shana performing with: The Sophisticated Ladies, The Big Apple Lindy Hoppers, Gatsby Entertainment, The Harlem Strutters, The Rhythm Stompers, The Rhythm Ambassadors, Chorine, and The Wild Rhythm Dance Company. You can also find her teaching regularly at DanceSport as well as with The Harlem Swing Dance Society and Brooklyn Swings. Shana is an ambassador for the Frankie Manning Foundation and has worked with choreographers including Dormeshia Edwards, Chester Whitmore, Norma Miller, and Sonny Allen.